Watch the Magical New Trailer for A Wrinkle in Time

We always appreciate a good nail art tutorial—and this one by polish professional Madeline Poole does not disappoint! Her instructions are clear and the results are clean and creative. Not to mention, this fabulous manicure is the perfect accessory to show off this weekend! Paris is a dream of many...

Never Buy A Boring Coat

We always appreciate a good nail art tutorial—and this one by polish professional Madeline Poole does not disappoint! Her instructions are clear and the results are clean and creative. Not to mention, this fabulous manicure is the perfect accessory to show off this weekend! Paris is a dream of many...

Cook Like a True Sicilian!

With the purse being such an essential part for any woman's outfit (whatever the occasion is), sometimes they're just handier (and cuter). In every woman’s life there comes a moment of truth, when you’re about to change the style of your hair (or even the color) and you’ve just got...

This Many People Were Injured Making a Selfie

We always appreciate a good nail art tutorial—and this one by polish professional Madeline Poole does not disappoint! Her instructions are clear and the results are clean and creative. Not to mention, this fabulous manicure is the perfect accessory to show off this weekend! Paris is a dream of many...

2016, a Year In Musical Monstrosities

We always appreciate a good nail art tutorial—and this one by polish professional Madeline Poole does not disappoint! Her instructions are clear and the results are clean and creative. Not to mention, this fabulous manicure is the perfect accessory to show off this weekend! Paris is a dream of many...

Best Things to Wear for a Job Interview

We always appreciate a good nail art tutorial—and this one by polish professional Madeline Poole does not disappoint! Her instructions are clear and the results are clean and creative. Not to mention, this fabulous manicure is the perfect accessory to show off this weekend! Paris is a dream of many...

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